When you're head over heels you may not notice the little things about someone, but take away the blinding light of lust and you may find yourself a little embarrassed.
Following up from our 16 things grown men should NOT be wearing, we're giving you a solution.
I can hear somebody screaming:
"This is SHALLOW. Why is it important? I love them for who they are not for what socks they wear." If it's not a problem now, you're probably not paying attention. Or they've got a good sense of style and you're safe.
But it is an issue with a LOT of stigma.
There also comes a time in life where you'll want to introduce your partner to friends or family members. And the honest truth is, you can't make a first impression twice. Better fix the problem before judgement day comes.
If it's a first date, you have no control over what they wear. Observe but don't make any suggestions, be nice. Unless they show up dressed as a flamingo, it's probably best you don't vocal anything about their sense of style.
In between dates, saying things like "I think you'd look nice in this" is a great way to make subtle suggestions. It's 2018. Send them outfit ideas on Instagram. It'll be received more of a compliment rather than a push.
Throw the idea of a shopping trip out there. Most guys will be happy to take the 'easy route' and have their outfits picked out for them. Bonus Tip: If the trip involves food, we're less likely to complain.
Send them online stores and discounts. People like convenience. ASOS and BoohooMAN are a great start for casual wear and often have sales on. And as you know for accessories - we've got you covered!
If all else fails. Get a new man. You don't need this kind of negativity in your life.